2023 TCO Highlights & Industry Wrap
2023 has seen Tourism Central Otago embark on the transition between our previous Tourism Strategy and starting the implementation of the Central Otago Destination Management Plan.
Below we've summarised a few highlights and links from different projects and initiatives that Tourism Central Otago has been involved with in the last year.
We have focussed on building wider understanding of Destination Management both internally at the Central Otago District Council and with stakeholders across the industry and our community. We hit reset on our Tourism/Destination Advisory Board, bringing in a range of diverse stakeholders and interests to help guide us in developing actions to move forwards.
In June, we saw the end of the funding received from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) as part of the Covid recovery programme. This saw the completion of several projects and the end of fixed-term contracts for two very talented team members. We wish to acknowledge the amazing mahi of Promil Sharma and Will Nelson in supporting the capability development, marketing and visual presentation of the entire region over their time working in the organisation.
We're actively keeping tabs on national discussions around challenges to tourism system funding, regulation and changes to health and safety (Whakaari), becoming involved where possible to represent the views of, and impacts on, small-medium business in the regions.
To better understand and communicate the impacts of tourism on people and place we started to look beyond traditional economic metrics. It may be a surprise to learn that the Central Otago tourism sector employed an average of 1,485 people in 2022, equating to 10.2% of Central's total employment – double the national average of 5.4% for 2022.
Businesses have started to see a change in travel patterns with Kiwis travelling overseas again and international visitors returning. There remain hesitations in the domestic market brought about from economic pressures, government uncertainty and high costs of domestic travel.
It is important to acknowledge the significant investment from both public and private sectors in experiences and infrastructure that show continued confidence in the region’s appeal to visitors and making Central an attractive place to live. The recently opened Monte Christo Winery, the significant refurbishment of The Gate in Cromwell, and a new retail outlet for Bike it Now! Soon to open is The Finery in Alexandra, the Wooing Tree Cellar Door, and the on-going developments at Scapegrace.
This afternoon Southern Lakes Trails are holding a sod turning ceremony to announce the next stage of the Kawarau Gorge Trail, and yesterday the Clutha Gold Trail opened the final two bridges near Milton, completing the trail extension from Lawrence to Waihola.
Tourism Alliances - Partnerships & Collaboration
The Central Otago Destination Management Plans challlenges us as a region to embrace our geography but not be bound by it. To initiate a range of tourism partnerships with like-minded destinations and other partners.
In 2023 we continued to partner with neighbouring Regional Tourism Organisations, District Councils and other stakeholders to bring greater awareness and co-ordination of our destinations across not just Central Otago, but the wider Otago and Southland areas.
Collaborative projects include the Otago Trails Marketing Group which was a finalist second year in a row in the Industry Collaboration category at the 2023 TIA New Zealand Tourism Awards.
The Southern Way initiative led by the 8 Regional Tourism Organisations from Otago/Southland was launched in May to promote long stay, low impact itineraries aross the lower South Island.
At a local level we ran operator workshops with Tourism Industry Aotearoa, Making Trax and Wastebusters and content writing sessions with food writer Alexia Santamaria.
We supported the Central Otago Heritage Trust to run their Heritage in Focus photo competition, exhibiting at the Clyde Museum December and January. The competition will help both TCO and the Heritage Trust extend our visual libraries of local heritage places and sites. You can also view the winning images on the Heritage Trust website.
Research projects we have partnered with other parts of council and with our neighbours include: Lifetime Value of a Visitor with QLDC, Destination Queenstown, Enterprise Dunedin and Tataki Auckland Unlimited; research into the Central Otago's current and future digital connectivity (fibre/wireless) requirements with the CODC Economic Development and Information Services departments; work is also underway developing projections for visitation related to the expansion of the Otago Trail network.
Central Otago isites
Our two isites in Ranfurly & Roxburgh have continued to deliver inspiration and information to visitors across the district whilst working through updates to the national isite brand. You will see the new exterior signage being installed over the coming weeks and isites nationally are starting to see a strong increase in foot traffic with the return of international visitors.
Our two isite locations run a shared contact service and can be reached via phone 03 262 7999 or email visitorcentre@codc.govt.nz
Ranfurly isite hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm
Roxburgh isite hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm & Saturday 9am to 1pm
Both centres will be closed 23 to 26 December and 30 Dec to 2 January.

Media and PR Activity
TCO has continued to be active in promoting the region domestically and nationally, running targeted PR and Marketing activity that has continued to get substantial cut-through with international and domestic media.
Most notably, the recent announcement of Central Otago and the Southern Lakes as #9 in the best value destinations to visit in 2024 by Lonely Planet, specifically recognising the growing network of trails connecting our communities.
Kia Ora Magazine covered the Alexandra Basin wines in May, and the December issue features the Central Otago Touring Route.
TV series The NZ Food Story, hosted by Ben Bayly, will highlight our regional food proposition including Provenance Meats in the Māniatoto, Black Quail Truffles in Bannockburn and the Cromwell Farmers and Craft Market - this episode is expected to be released in February 2024.
Journalist Anna King Shahab, from the New Zealand Herald, showcased the best of Central in her article Best family holiday activities in Cromwell, Clyde and Central Otago - NZ Herald
Lauded UK food critic William Sitwell visited New Zealand in May and was hosted by Tourism Central Otago. The Telegraph and Telegraph.co.uk featured his article about discovering first-hand New Zealand’s contemporary food and beverage scene, not just touring restaurants to sample menus, but the true journey from farm to table. According to media analysis provided by Tourism New Zealand the article had a reach of 1.5 million and estimated advertising value (EAV) of NZ$385,000.
Alex Mitcheson, a travel writer from Australia, was hosted writing a destination story for Selector Magazine - thank you to Central Otago Winegrowers Association for helping connect Alex with key industry. Alex has also used this trip to share details on the Central Otago Touring Route in a NZ Herald Article.
Australia's Sunrise Breakfast TV show filmed at Highlands, whilst also sharing the stories of our wider experiences including our Food & Beverage offering.
Ali is already fielding enquiries from domestic media for summer content, and we continue to keep Tourism New Zealand’s Trade and Media and PR teams updated with new developments.

The annual Eat.Taste.Central promotion, whilst challenged by limited resourcing and participation, continued to be a key platform for building awareness of the quality and diversity of our regional food & beverage offerings. A massive thank you to all the venues and organisations that supported E.T.C in 2023.
This year we introduced video profiles for dish entrants. Click the link to view the series.
Central Otago Business Events
Central Otago Business Events part-time bureaux was developed in 2021 and has since been supported by a growing and engaged paid membership model to attract the MICE sector (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events - Business) into Central Otago.
Andrea and Jenny attended Business Events Industry Aotearoa’s (BEIA's) national tradeshow MEETINGS, positioning Central Otago as a business events destination.
A key win in 2023 was securing Cromwell as host destination for the 2024 Sustainable Trails Conference next March, which is likely to attract 120 Australasian delegates and is aligned to support our regional strengths.
International Markets - Travel Trade
Our International Travel Trade activity has returned with vigour. Andrea’s focus has been on highlighting Central Otago activities and experiences via trade-ready Qualmarked businesses prepared to pay wholesale commissions.
Attending the annual Inbound Tour Operators Workshop in Auckland plus the annual international tradeshow TRENZ which was held in Christchurch this year. This work helps profile Central Otago internationally to secure long-term interest in the region looking towards future seasons.
Tourism Central Otago joined the Southern Lakes International Marketing Alliance (IMA) with Destination Queenstown and Lake Wanaka Tourism to build awareness in Western offshore markets. Recently, Central Otago was included as part of Tourism New Zealand’s Western Markets Roadshow where IMAs engaged with a network of high performing travel sellers across 6 cities in North America, UK and Germany.

Central Otago Trade Inspiration

Otago Trails Marketing
The Otago Trails Marketing Group was a finalist in the Industry Collaboration category at the 2023 New Zealand Tourism Awards. The group brings together four RTOs, operators and Trails Trusts to promote the trails to visitors, and to help educate and inform businesses of the opportunities which cycle tourism can bring to our communities.
The Trail Hub website was launched as a platform for sharing content and stories connected to our network of Ngā Haerenga Great Rides of New Zealand.

Southern Way
Nau Mai, Haere Mai
We welcome you to the Southern Way.
Discover the Southern Way, a celebration of the best of Aotearoa New Zealand scenery and experiences in the lower South Island.
Slow down and savour the stories of our region's rich history, immerse yourself in our culture, and enjoy the many awe-inspiring experiences that await you.
Experience the warmth of southern hospitality as we welcome you with open arms.
Arrive as visitors, leave as Whānau