Eventful Central - Event Organisers Toolkit
We have pulled together information to make it easier for organisers, clubs and individuals to plan, run and grow events in Central Otago.
The planning toolkit below is a great starting point and resource for event organisers looking to enhance their events.
Locations & Venues
Central Otago offers a wide variety of public spaces, parks and sports fields that are available to book for any event. For more information and bookings regarding our outdoor spaces, please check Parks, Reserves and Playgrounds.
If you have any questions regarding Parks, Reserves and Playgrounds, please contact: grounds.bookings@codc.govt.nz
Whether you need a venue for a meeting, performance, exhibition, wedding, a community activity space or somewhere to hold a social function - there is a venue available for you.
Professional Conference Organisers and Event Managers planning a business event such as a conference, seminar, exhibition, product launch, gala dinner or executive retreat we recommend accessing the tools and resources on the Central Otago Business Events webpage. Details about venues, capacities, accommodation, activities and experiences are available and the bureaux team are available to offer free impartial advice to any professional planning a business event in Central Otago.
To find out more information about any of our Council-run venues in Central Otago, contact: info@codc.govt.nz or book a venue directly by filling out this Facility Booking Form.
Event Health & Safety
Whether you're an event organiser coordinating a major event or a sports club delivering an on-going programme, you are responsible for planning and managing risk at your event.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) you have a legal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all event participants, spectators, event staff, contractors, subcontractors, volunteers and other event delivery participants such as sponsors, and anyone else legally entitled to be at or in the vicinity of the event site. It is the responsibility of an event organiser to ensure that all hazards are identified and that public safety is not compromised. To make things easier for you we have put together an Event Health and Safety Plan Template.
When planning to operate on council owned property you may be required to submit a Safety Plan to Central Otago District Council (CODC). For more information please contact the CODC Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor: healthandsafety@codc.govt.nz
Event Organisers should think about contacting the NZ Police, St John's Ambulance and NZ Fire Service to check if any of these services need to be on site for your event.
For professional assistance with your Health and Safety requirements check out HASANZ registered Health and Safety professionals in our region.
Civil Defence Emergency Management
For emergency management, the Emergency Management Otago website has key information on all emergency management on our district. This includes specific community response plans for each area.
To connect with our Central Otago Emergency Management Officer please click here.
Phone: 03 440 0056
info@codc.govt.nz -
Sustainability & Zero Waste
By working together, Council, event organisers and the community can help minimise the impact of events on our district.
Choose options relevant, realistic and appropriate for your event - don’t try to do everything. If you need any help please email: waste@codc.govt.nz
Waste Type // Available Options: Organic // Compost; Rubbish // Landfill; Recycling // practice minimising waste.Items that can be recycled in our district: #1, #2, #5, glass bottles, clean paper and cardboard, steel and aluminium cans.Four quick tips:- A day event will generate approximately 1-2 litres of waste and recycling per person. Once you know roughly what is coming into your event you can start to plan how to best manage it.
- Although some materials are recyclable, in practice they are often contaminated with leftover food, which makes recycling these items at events unviable. Encourage vendors and event goers to opt for BYO or reusable vessels and containers instead.
- People are your driver! Make sure that all your promotion and messaging is clear about your zero waste goals before the event so that everyone attending knows the expectations. Get your vendors onside and work out a system that will work for them. Harness the power of volunteers to man bin stations and help direct people to the correct bin and to ensure that all signage is clear and easy to follow.
- It's important to record data, gather feedback and share the results on how successful your efforts were. Doing this will help you publicise achievements.
Some excellent resources for you to refer to:
- Wastebusters | Leading the way to Zero Waste
- Res.Awesome (resawesome.nz)
- DISHrupt™ - Sustainable Queenstown
- Single-use alternatives for events and hospo — Takeaway Throwaways
- Global Reusables at Events Hygiene Standard – Sustainable Event Alliance (sustainable-event-alliance.org)
Event Funding & Support
Central Otago District Council Promotions Grants offer funding to help meet community needs/desires for events or activities which enhance the experience of locals and visitors.
These funds are allocated for events upon application, meeting set criteria and are designated to support the experience of locals and/or visitors by helping fund a wide range of activities in the district, including one-off events.
Sourcing funds is a very time consuming business and you will want to start applying for funding well in advance of your event date.
Go to Funding Grants for further information.
Event Signage
It is important that you follow the relevant rules regarding signage in Central Otago if you are planning an event in this district. The relevant rules for signs are recorded in the Central Otago District Plan.
The type and size of signage allowed depends upon the purpose and location of the sign. Criteria for any sign advising of forthcoming cultural, religious, educational, sporting events or other temporary activities.
Provided such signs:
- are not erected earlier than 3 months before the event
- do not exceed 3m2 in area
- are not located on road reserve without the written consent of the Chief Executive
- are removed within 7 days of the event finishing
If you are thinking of putting up a sign for your event, please contact our Duty Planner
(go to Signs for further details).
For more information on displaying advertisement of event on Roads and Road Sides, such as Sandwich Boards, Flags etc. contact Roading Team.
Application for displaying of event signage at Cromwell - Big Fruit Reserve.
Additional helpful suggestions on event signage to consider:
- Directional - i.e. info centre this way, parking
- Operational - i.e. you are here on the map
- Warning - i.e. danger don't enter
- Advisory - i.e. liquor bans, road closure prior to the event
Road Closures & Traffic Management
If you are planning event or activity that is likely to change/impact the normal use of the road and/or footpath then you may be required to submit a Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Typical types of events/activities that require a TMP are:
- Parades, street celebrations or cultural events
- Educational i.e. conferences, awards
- Sports events - races, walking, tournaments
- Markets
Use the checklist below to see if a TMP is required.
Will your event or activity:
- Affect vehicle or pedestrian traffic?
- Increase traffic to a specific area?
- Require a road/footpath to be partially or fully closed?
- Require signage next to a road?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please contact our Roading Team to discuss your event.
Traffic Management Plans must be provided by a suitably Qualified TTM-Planner to submit plans. The following is a list of approved local Traffic Management Companies that can advise you of what is required.
- Traffic Management Services Central Otago (TMSCO), call - 021 720 162
- Southern Safety Services (SSS), call - 03 451 111
- Fulton Hogan, call - 03 440 0500
For an event that may require a road closure, please fill out and submit a Temporary Road Closure for Events form. Council requires a written application at least 48 working days prior to the activity to satisfy legislative requirements.
There are costs associated with traffic management plans and temporary road closures, which event organisers will be required to pay.
Events on State Highways
If your event/activity is on a State Highway you will also need to contact the New Zealand Transport Authority (NZTA) for approval. For events on State Highway in Central Otago please contact:
- Aspiring Highways, customer@aspiringhighways.co.nz or call 03 440 0500
Permissions, Permits & Licences
We are here to help you get all the right information you need to install any temporary structures (e.g. marquees and stage) at an event.
For more information please check building consent and resource consent.
If you want to sell or supply alcohol and provide food to spectators at your event you will need to apply for a special licence.
For more information please check licensing.
If you are operating an amusement device at your event: Amusement devices must be registered with WORKSAFE by the device owner, after the device has been certified by a registered engineer. The device owner must also obtain a permit to operate from CODC.
Fireworks display: Council may approve fireworks displays where there is evidence that the adverse effects of this use can be minimised. All applications are to be in writing and forwarded to Council at least 10 working days before the event. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis, and a bond will be required. Final approval will not be given by Council until required external permissions have been obtained including a Fire and Emergency NZ permit.
Drone Usage
As per the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) rules to fly an unmanned aircraft within 4km of Cromwell, Roxburgh and Alexandra Aerodromes you must have permission from CODC as the Airport Authority and it is preferable to have at least 24 hours notice and longer if possible.
Generally to apply for permission you must confirm you will abide by the rules under part 101 and have a shielded operation. If it isn’t a shielded operation you must have a licence or certificate issued by an approved organisation or be under direct supervision of someone who does and also have a spotter.
It would be considered a shielded operation if you are flying within 100m of a physical barrier separating your flight from the airfield and which is capable of stopping the aircraft.
We do issue NOTAMs for all drone flights within 4km of Cromwell Airport but not generally for Roxburgh and Alexandra unless the flight is very close to the airfield.
You will need to provide the information listed in table below so CODC as Airport Authority can consider giving permission if appropriate and impose any specific conditions if required.
Height - Max 400 feet:
Expected Start Time:
Expected duration:
Pilots name:
Spotter name:
Supply a copy of:
Private Pilot’s licence/Part 102 cert/Part 101 cert.
Meet all CAA regulations:
Permission obtained:
For more enquiries contact info@codc.govt.nz
Public Liability Insurance covers your legal liability to pay damages to third parties who may have suffered property damage or personal injury as a result of your activities.
Public Liability Insurance is required for most events, depending on the size of the event and the risk. Low risk events are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Council will not accept any liability for claims that may arise as a result of an event.
Useful Contacts & Resources
For any assistance please contact Tourism Central Otago team.
Or call 03 440 0056
Useful resources for event organisers:
Leading the World in Sustainable Tourism
Ensure you avoid any date clash, check out Events (centralotagonz.com)