Central Otago District Council
Central Otago District Council is the local authority for Central Otago. Our role is to help build local community capability through the services and activities provided on behalf of the community.
The Central Otago District Council’s purpose is to enable democratic local decision making to meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses of Central Otago.
There are four departments within Council - being:
Corporate Services - who provide the administrative service such as democratic support, financial and reporting, information systems, customer service and administration.
Planning and Environment - who provide resource management and building control services along with environmental health, liquor licensing, dog control, rural fire and emergency management.
Infrastructure - who provide utilities such as water, waste water and storm water, waste minimisation, roading, elderly persons' housing, community facilities and other property services.
Community Services - who are responsible for parks and reserves, cemeteries, swimming pools, Libraries, economic development, community planning, promotions and grants, the Central Otago 'A World of Difference' brand, visitor information centres and Tourism Central Otago.