Date: Tuesday 15 November
Place: The Cloudy Bay Shed, 45 Northburn Station Road, Northburn
Time: See options below
Eventful Central Workshop
12.30pm to 2.30pm
A presentation and discussion on the work-to-date on Eventful Central, a project focused on a TCO/CODC strategic approach to events. Our vision is “to advance Central Otago as a region that is capable of delivering superb events." Guest presenter Sarah Meikle (Wellington on a Plate, deputy chair NZ Events Association) will help us to discuss these concepts with anecdotes/case studies from her own experience.
Light Refreshments
2.30pm to 3.00pm
Networking opportunity over light refreshments
Operator Update
3.00pm to 3.20pm - A quickfire update from TCO
3.20pm to 3.40pm - Guest Speaker Sarah Meikle: Food, Wine and Destination Events (national perspective)
3.40pm to 4.15pm - Panel Discussion: Opportunities & Challenges
• Meg Soper, Customer Experience Manager, The Shed at Cloudy Bay
• Glen Christiansen, General Manager, The Gate Limited & Hospitality NZ Central Otago Chair
• Martin McPherson, Blossom Festival Event Organiser & CODC Councillor
Eat.Taste.Central Awards
Eat.Taste.Central Awards Prizegiving - who will win?
Register your Attendance
Make a Difference
Be at the cutting edge, setting directions and accepting challenges.
Respecting Others
Take the time to listen and understand other people’s opinions and cultural differences.
Embracing Diversity
Be open to new ideas, open to exploring the possibilities and appreciate the strengths and talents each person brings.
Adding Value
Always ask ourselves is there a better way – one that achieves a premium status, quality experience or interaction.
Having Integrity
Seek to be open and honest in all our interactions.
Learning from the past
Choose to learn from past experiences with the future generations in mind.
Making a sustainable difference
Make decisions with the community in mind and in harmony with the natural environment so we can help create the kind of place we can be proud of.
Protecting our rich heritage
Protect and celebrate our rich heritage in landscapes, architecture, flora, fauna and cultural heritage.
Meeting our obligations
Do the right thing by our region and check what legal requirements need to be met before you get started.