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Tourism Central Otago (TCO) is the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) for Central Otago, our role is to coordinate and facilitate the management and marketing of Central Otago as a visitor destination for the benefit of our communities.

This work is guided by the Central Otago Destination Management Plan (DMP), which outlines the aspiration of our communities and mana whenua for how tourism can enrich our communities outcomes.  

Central Otago District Council continues to invest in Destination Management and Marketing activity to ensure that the visitor industry is developed, managed and promoted in a way that protects the things that matter most to the communities of the region and some of these things are non-negotiable - the wide-open spaces, the essential character of small towns, the place of mana whenua, the freedoms that locals enjoy and that they are willing to share with visitors.

Without accepting and committing to these outcomes and being prepared to meet the real costs of ‘getting there’ the development of tourism will not be acceptable, sustainable, or viable.

Function of Tourism Central Otago include:

  • Co-ordinate and facilitate destination management activities to ensure that tourism serves our communities, rather than our communities serving tourism.
  • Market and promote Central Otago as a visitor destination, both domestically and internationally. We are responsible for ensuring the region’s unique selling points and destination strengths are presented authentically and without bias.
  • Is an advocate and a voice for the Central Otago visitor economy at a local, regional and national level, and to work in partnership with agencies such as Tourism New Zealand, Tourism Industry Aotearoa, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Regional Tourism New Zealand, Travel Inbound, Wholesalers, and others for the wider benefit of the region.
  • Ensure adherence to the principles and strategic guidelines of the ‘Central Otago, A World of Difference’ regional values, Central Otago Destination Management Plan, and District Vision
  • Provide support to local tourism operators for marketing advice, training and upskilling opportunities and industry insights.
  • Manage the delivery of visitor information services in Ranfurly and Roxburgh.

Introducing the TCO Team

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